Neurological conditions alter the function of the body’s nervous system. The body’s nervous system is not immune to damage and dysfunction. Like muscles, bones, joints and ligaments; our nerve pathways can also experience trauma and irregularities. In many neurological conditions, the problem is caused by abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord or other nerves in the body. There is a range of symptoms that effect people who suffer from neurological conditions that can include muscle weakness and paralysis, poor coordination, loss of sensation, seizures, confusion and pain.
Some Neurological Conditions that we manage and get results with include:
- Stroke
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Motor Neuron Disease
- Guillain Barre Syndrome
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Brain Aneurysm
- Brain Tumors
- Spinal Cord Tumors
It is essential for our team to develop specialised rehabilitation programs to regain function and independence for our patients following a stroke or brain injury, or for those suffering from a neurological disorder. Often, these debilitating conditions can be very frustrating and very difficult for you and your loved ones to manage. Many of the challenges neurological disorders bring with them include stiffness and spasticity, paralysis, weakness, loss of co-ordination, loss of sensation, balance difficulties, and loss of fitness.
At My Mobile Physio, our expert physiotherapists not only perform a comprehensive assessment to identify your specific limitations, but work with you and your family to set a rehabilitation program that focuses on developing and achieving the goals that are important to you. We want to maximize your mobility and improve your balance in order to prevent you from falling and suffering the nasty injuries we commonly see as a result of falls. We want to help you to increase your strength and general fitness to enable you to complete your everyday tasks to the best of your ability.
Our physiotherapists understand how devastating being diagnosed with a neurological condition can be on you and your family so part of our plan is to help you understand the condition itself, and what it means to you in terms of the impact on your life. Our plans will incorporate discussions with you and your loved ones to establish ways to help you manage and set short and long term goals, in order to achieve the best quality of life that you can. We know how difficult managing such conditions can be, and bring an experienced and empathetic approach into the comfort of your own home.
Our experienced and understanding physiotherapists will:
- Complete a thorough assessment of your condition, help you to understand your diagnosis, and provide you with information on how we can assist you.
- Listen to your needs and set up an individualised program to address the things that are important to you.
- Provide specific treatment techniques including facilitation of movement, strengthening and balance work, all of which are personalised to your needs.
- Help you access community venues such as pools, gymnasiums and community centres.
- Provide support and training to personal carers if required
- Assist you source equipment to aid in recovery and/or management of your condition.
- Work in collaboration with other health professionals to ensure your treatment is always delivered on time and with empathy, understanding and patience.
To find out more information, or to book a time to get started on the management of your neurological condition, call us now for an expert plan, treatment, and support system. At My Mobile Physio, we are committed to delivering the best and most tailored designed physiotherapy solution to ensure the highest quality of life possible. We look forward to helping you and your family.