A message from Lyndsey and the My Mobile Physio team
The world is trying to work out how to live with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. My Mobile Physio (MMP) is taking the threat from the virus extremely seriously! We wanted to update all our old, current and new patients on how we are currently managing the risks created by this virus.
We have the privilege of treating many elderly people and people with chronic and degenerative conditions. Our highest priority is the safety and wellbeing of our patients and our team.
MMP immediately recognised the significant impact that COVID-19 could have on our community. We acted quickly to review our existing comprehensive infection control and health emergency policies and put additional processes in place to minimise risk of infection and transmission.
We would like you to know that at this stage we believe the risk of our service to patients and our team is low.
Also, we have found that despite the pandemic there are still many individuals in our community that require physiotherapy treatment and welcome having the service brought to them in their own home. This has become even more important with the cancellation of many outpatient rehabilitation services and community exercise classes.
We have decided to continue providing our first class home physiotherapy service for the present and will continue monitoring the relevant risks and government advice.
What is My Mobile Physio doing to protect our patients and our team?

Effective infection control (Existing)
As a provider of healthcare, we already have in place comprehensive infection control and health emergency policies. Our team members are all trained in these policies and infection control practices.
The MMP team carry Personal Protective Equipment into each patient’s home and carry out effective infection control precaution. This includes hand washing before and after every session, and cleaning equipment with 70% isopropyl alcohol wipes, before and after every session.
COVID-19 training (New)
Each team member has successfully completed the Department of Health – ‘Infection Control Training – COVID 19’, to ensure we are well educated and compliant with all government guidelines.
Patient health check (New)
Before we enter a patient’s house we double check that they and anyone else living there is in good health. If they are unwell, we politely advise that treatment be cancelled until they have recovered. This protocol reduces the risk of our team being exposed to the virus.
My Mobile Physio team isolation (New)
Our team have been isolated from each other for over 2 weeks now.
Because we are a mobile business there is no need for our team to report to work at a central location. We now meet regularly over Conference Calls instead of in person. This approach eliminates the risk of virus transfer between team members.
In addition, our team are committed to the safety of our patients and when not at work they are choosing to self-isolate and follow government recommendations.
Please be advised that none of our staff has travelled internationally in the last 2 months.
How You Can Help Us …
Please contact us on 1300 79 12 49 and cancel your appointment with 24 hour’s notice if:
• You feel unwell, or a member of your household is unwell.
• You or a member of your household has travelled internationally recently.
• You know you may have been exposed to COVID-19.
Please follow these guidelines to keep yourself and MMP staff safe:
• Regularly washing your hands with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap and dry thoroughly);
• Covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing (cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow);
• Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth;
• Avoiding close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms;
• If you feel unwell, stay at home;
• If you have concerns regarding your health, seeking prompt medical advice.
We will soon be offering our physio services via Telehealth and Video Calls so that those who have not been able to get their usual rehabilitation can keep up the good work – we will update you as soon as that is live.
We hope you’ve found this message both useful and comforting. We look forward to seeing you soon and continuing your physiotherapy care.
Best in health,
Lyndsey Henderson
Director of My Mobile Physio
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