A number of studies are now showing that the way we move may be significantly hindering our recovery from lower back pain.
Altered patterns of movement are one of the protective mechanisms that occur automatically to protect us from harm. They may be there to aid us initially when we experience pain but as we start to recover, here lies the problem.
Why Won’t Your Back Pain Improve?
We start to consistently adopt abnormal movement patterns that we believe to be protecting ourselves from hurting. We believe these movements prevent increasing our back pain when really we are doing the opposite. These protective behaviours become a habit. This is a problem as when we start to adopt movement that is rigid, stiff and un-coordinated we can prevent healing and impede recovery.
Studies have also shown that the longer we have had back pain, the worse our altered movement patterns become. It’s important we address these early!
Physio Tips to Improve Your Movement:
Do not fear movement
Movement is good for us, our spine is meant to move in many different directions. Be assured that you are not going to cause any damage by moving.
Natural movement
Rather than focusing on perfect movement or posture, just focus on natural movement and moving freely.
Often we unnecessarily tense a number of muscles to protect our back which actually inhibits our range of movement.
Move as a whole
Try to redirect yourself to moving your whole body altogether. Often due to fear and pain we fixate on only trying to move our backs when really we move as a whole.
Movement is many things
Movement doesn’t have to be confined to the gym! Give it a go while doing the things you enjoy such as walking, swimming or gardening. It all requires movement!
To fix your back pain fast and move with ease – see your Physiotherapist!
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